The full “Globalizing U.S. History” project consists of two parts.
Part One, the Student Syllabus provides a complete syllabus of lecture titles and reading assignments for a two quarter undergraduate U.S. history survey course, for the first time conceptually connected to key developments in world history. Each part of the syllabus includes lecture titles and assigned readings. We welcome teachers who wish to pilot this curriculum.
To encourage others to adopt this approach, Part Two, the Teacher’s Syllabus , provides a brief summary of each lecture, together with a brief bibliography of essential readings that would enable an instructor to present the lecture.
Students involved in the “Globalizing U.S. History” project included Sarah Doub, Urmi Engineer, Michael Jin, Eliza Layne Martin, Kevin McDonald, Michael Murphy, Anders Otterness, David Palter, Chrislaine Pamphile, Maia Ramnath, Martin Renner, Sabrina Sanchez, Peter Valceschini and Nat Zappia.
Under the direction of Edmund Burke III, Director of the Center for World History, four UCSC graduate students in History presented a new model curriculum for U.S. history to the June 2006 meeting of the World History Association in Long Beach. The panel on “Globalizing the U.S. History Survey” included papers by Sarah Doub, Urmi Engineer, Eliza Martin and Anders Otterness.