A Globalized U.S. History Survey
More than a dozen UCSC graduate students of world history have collaborated in developing a two-quarter model U.S. history survey course with a global focus for high school students.
Example syllabi for teachers and students are available for download to support and inspire the development of a new globalized U.S. survey for the 21st century.
Social Biographies As World History
Social biography is an attempt to understand the trajectories of ordinary people's lives through the systematic application of the research strategies of social history and the encompassing vision of world history. By reading the facts of these lives through the lens of world history, social biographies cast new light on the standard world historical narrative, with its emphasis on large scale change.
"Commodities in World History, 1450-1950” A Project of the UCSC Center for World History
The purpose of the project is to explore the historical connections between producers and consumers of basic commodities and finished goods across the globe and over time. By linking up individual producers and consumers, the project seeks to casts a new light on the standard world historical narrative, with its emphasis on large scale change.